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Writing Class
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eget rutrum massa, id pharetra urna. Morbi id erat massa. Donec porta hendrerit tortor at pretium. Suspendisse laoreet rutrum rutrum. Quisque eleifend congue libero vel laoreet. Aliquam enim orci, efficitur id ornare quis, laoreet facilisis diam. Pellentesque semper a nunc sit amet tempor. Nunc tristique finibus arcu ac luctus. Sed nec…

Crafts Activities
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eget rutrum massa, id pharetra urna. Morbi id erat massa. Donec porta hendrerit tortor at pretium. Suspendisse laoreet rutrum rutrum. Quisque eleifend congue libero vel laoreet. Aliquam enim orci, efficitur id ornare quis, laoreet facilisis diam. Pellentesque semper a nunc sit amet tempor. Nunc tristique finibus arcu ac luctus. Sed nec…

Math Activities
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eget rutrum massa, id pharetra urna. Morbi id erat massa. Donec porta hendrerit tortor at pretium. Suspendisse laoreet rutrum rutrum. Quisque eleifend congue libero vel laoreet. Aliquam enim orci, efficitur id ornare quis, laoreet facilisis diam. Pellentesque semper a nunc sit amet tempor. Nunc tristique finibus arcu ac luctus. Sed nec…

Convocation Program
25th convocation program is going to held on Dec 20, 2016. All the passed students of graduate and post graduate students are highly encourage and request to apply for coming convocation. It’s all about proofing yourself to become a graduate students. Grab the opportunity this time, don’t miss it.

Educational Tour
Educational tour for biology students of bachelor 6th semester is going to held on coming 20th of November to 25th of November. Every students are invited. Please fill the form and registered your name here. If you missed the registration, we are sorry to carry you on tour. Register it as soon as possible.

Welcome Program
Our university organize student welcome program on every year. This program will help to introduce the students with each other and can share their ideas, feelings and many more. This program is going to held on coming next Sunday. Every students, staff, faculties and parents are welcome.